

SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group has thus far promoted environmental activities through an environment management system based on ISO 14001 at each of the production sites 和 research facilities. 尽管十大赌博娱乐平台将把这些活动的长期目标从2030年改为2050年, 十大赌博娱乐平台的总体方向将保持不变,十大赌博娱乐平台将部署十大赌博娱乐平台的倡议,以解决环境问题.
为了实施环境问题的解决方案,这是十大赌博娱乐平台的长期目标, 十大赌博娱乐平台认识到稳步实现中期目标和每个财政年度目标的重要性. 通过定期确定这些努力对法律遵守和环境的影响, 十大赌博娱乐平台努力减少对各种环境问题的影响. 同时, 十大赌博娱乐平台将调查灾害和事故发生前后采取的行动, 例如, 和 periodically conduct training 和 drills based on the results so that we can mitigate the impacts of such incidents on the environment to the greatest degree possible in the event of an emergency. 十大赌博娱乐平台还觉得,当十大赌博娱乐平台采取行动时,必须把整个供应链纳入十大赌博娱乐平台的视野, 和 have therefore reviewed the Group’s Sustainable Procurement Guidelines 和 systems to strengthen supply chain management. 通过与供应商接触和合作, 加快解决环境问题.


The environmental aspects of SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group have been managed 和 promoted under the Sustainability Committee since fiscal 2020. The Sustainability Committee serves as a forum for discussing polices 和 strategies intended to improve the sustainability of society 和 SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group.
作为可持续发展委员会下属的一系列委员会, 十大赌博娱乐平台为本集团在重要性项下定义的每个问题设立了小组委员会, 成立了环境小组委员会,处理环境问题.
与可持续发展有关的主要举措, 包括环境, 以及活动政策和相关问题, that have been deliberated by the Sustainability Committee are reported to 和 approved by the Board of Directors, 并在一个反映在管理内部的框架下进步. 除了, the determination 和 implementation of a detailed activity plan related to the environment is carried out through meetings of environmental managers for each issue from Corporate Headquarters 和 each divisional company.
在2022财年,环境小组委员会在11月和3月举行了两次会议. 在这些会议上, 小组委员会确认了本《娱乐大发澳门赌博平台》最后一个财政年度的进展情况, 和 deliberated on the direction for the three-year 环境al Medium-term Plan (fiscal 2023-2025) that will begin during the next fiscal year, 并讨论了减少温室气体排放的倡议和促进措施, 处理水相关风险问题, 减少产生的废物量, 还有其他问题. 除了, cases requiring urgent expansion of measures are deliberated as needed at management meetings (which meet monthly 和 are chaired by the head of the Business Strategy Department who is also the person in charge of the ESG Management Department) 和 reported to the Board of Directors.
比如气候变化问题, 为响应2021财年实现的里程碑, 即提前减少温室气体排放, 十大赌博娱乐平台在管理层会议上讨论并决定将目标从原来的2°C修改为1°C.5°C,以及审议温室气体减排路线图. 结果是, 十大赌博娱乐平台很早就修改了目标, 并开始研究加速行动的措施.

  • 11-08



当开始或继续商业交易时, we ask our suppliers to establish an environmental management system in conformity with ISO 14001 和 to reduce their environmental impact. 关于气候变化问题, 特别是, 十大赌博娱乐平台正在确认在设定和处理减排目标方面取得的进展.
娱乐大发澳门赌博平台使用的原材料而言, 十大赌博娱乐平台评估消耗量以及环境影响,作为材料平衡的一种方法. 在气候变化问题上, 十大赌博娱乐平台认识到,原材料在第3类排放中所占比例最大, 和, 特别是, are therefore strengthening our approach to raw material suppliers with regard to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
从原材料的角度来看, we are requesting the presentation of greenhouse gas emissions data during raw material manufacture from more than 10 manufacturing companies, while promoting efforts to reduce greenhouse gases under Scope 3 for the future for the four major resins that are purchased in large volumes 和 have high levels of greenhouse gas emissions. 这些排放量代表了.排放量的2%,由使用的原材料产生的温室气体排放的IDEA数据库计算得出.
而直接从供应商处获得的数据量并不大, the use of databases makes it possible to grasp the amount of GHG emissions over the entire lifecycle of products, 即使只是在平均水平上, 并在确定要减少的排放量后考虑对策. 通过这些努力,十大赌博娱乐平台也在推动整个供应链的减排活动.
除了, we are checking with suppliers 和 initiating investigations into substitutes in regard to lower carbon materials made from biomass 和 the potential of supplying recycled materials.
鉴于木材被认为对生物多样性问题有重大影响, 十大赌博娱乐平台会制订具体的木材采购指引*, 并将通过对供应商的调查来评估风险, 以及实施DD以降低风险, 努力从可持续森林中采购100%的木材.

*详情请参见 木材采购政策.


SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group encourages environmental activities in its offices that are in line with its 环境管理制度 (EMS). 在十大赌博娱乐平台遍布日本的办事处, 十大赌博娱乐平台参考环境管理体系为环保活动提供指引, 例如在午休时间关灯,以及其他节约能源和减少纸张使用的措施.


娱乐大发澳门赌博平台制定了自己的环境管理目标. 这包括减少向大气和水环境中的排放, 哪些比法律规定更严格. 每个业务站点都密切遵循这些内部目标. We aim to prevent environmental accidents before they occur by conducting internal environmental audits to uncover latent environmental risks.
除了, we are developing comprehensive activities by sharing information on new legal 和 regulatory trends as well as incidents of other companies within the Group.
2022财年, there were no reports of violations of environmental laws or regulations including transgressions relating to the disposal of waste, 污水排放, 和污染. 也没有关于行政指导发生率的报告.


十大赌博娱乐平台的海外业务站点, 十大赌博娱乐平台也在扩大EMS的实施,采取与日本类似的政策. We are putting in place systems for obtaining environmental impact data 和 taking initiatives to reduce environmental impact based on this data.
截至2023年3月, 日本48个营业场所和海外36个营业场所获得了ISO 14001或其他类似认证. The proportion of SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group production sites 和 research institutes that have acquired these certifications is 88%.


指示器 计算方法
ems认证的营业场所数量 已获得外部EMS认证的营业场所数量 外部EMS认证:ISO 14001, Eco-Action 21等.
The proportion of all production sites 和 research facilities within SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group that have received external EMS certification The proportion of all EMS-certified business sites within SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group = The number of all production sites 和 research facilities that have received external EMS certification / The number of all production sites 和 research facilities within SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group


SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group conducts environmental audits for the purpose of legal compliance 和 preventing accidents before they occur. 在执行这些审计后, 十大赌博娱乐平台验证法则, 条例, 风险地图, 和其他材料提前准备, 和 prioritize environmental risk reductions 和 accident prevention in accordance with ongoing legal compliance 和 the business activities of each business site. 同时要求所有营业场所进行自我审核并报告审核结果, 总部每三年对生产基地和研究设施进行一次审计. 在2022财年,十大赌博娱乐平台在日本审计了18个营业点,在海外审计了12个营业点.


为了实现十大赌博娱乐平台与环境问题相关的目标, 十大赌博娱乐平台正在调查他们的解决方案,并开发能够促进和执行措施的人力资源. 为此目的, we are placing a particular emphasis on environmental education as part of education intended to enhance the ability to contribute to solving social issues.
We provide education 和 training in an effort to encourage employees to take the initiative in underst和ing 和 solving social issues, 同时把自己的想法付诸实践, 这取决于他们的职责和工作环境.

注:详情请参阅 在这里看到的


  • 注意:
    关于环境绩效数据汇总的范围, all SEKISUI CHEMICAL (consolidated) business sites (100% of production sales amounts) are subject to environmental reporting.
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