Identifying Key ESG Issues


Extracting and Identifying Key Issues

To strengthen still further ESG management, which is the key to realizing the Long-term Vision, Vision 2030, 娱乐大发澳门赌博平台对重要的ESG问题进行了修订,并正在推动以治理(内部控制)为中心的措施。, DX, the environment, human resources, and fusion.

Identification Process for Key ESG Issues


Step 1. Consider issues from the global guidelines, etc.

  • 07-06
  • 07-07
  • (1)
    While adhering to the 10 principles in the GC, 十大赌博娱乐平台检查了集团内部参与相关活动的情况,以及对ISO26000中七个主要核心问题的期望, 找出参与不够的地方.
  • (2)
    通过考虑集团内外的界限,同时考虑娱乐大发澳门赌博平台与企业在经济方面的关系,确定候选问题, environmental, and social items described in the GRI standard.
  • (3)
    Analyze the social issues described in SDGs, 并选择为娱乐大发澳门赌博平台提供商业机会的问题. 在为这些解决方案做出贡献的过程中,十大赌博娱乐平台确定了它们成功所需的主动性.

Step 2. 从ESG/CSR调查和其他公司趋势中识别问题

  • 07-06
  • 07-07
  • (1)
    Identify candidate issues from ESG/CSR surveys
    十大赌博娱乐平台根据每个ESG和CSR调查的回复细节和评估结果来分析问题, 并确定候选的关键ESG问题,在这些问题上,未来的参与可能被认为是重要的.
  • (2)
    十大赌博娱乐平台研究了其他先进的ESG/CSR公司的参与情况,以及它们使用ESG/CSR报告披露信息的趋势, etc., 并确定需要改进娱乐大发澳门赌博平台未来参与和信息披露的问题.

Step 3. Analyze stakeholder opinions and expectations

  • 07-09
  • (1)
    Sort major stakeholder opinions
    十大赌博娱乐平台从与客户等不同利益相关者的交谈中收集和整理有关ESG/CSR的主要意见, shareholders, investors, employees, trading partners, and local communities, etc.
  • (2)
    Analyze major expectations by stakeholder
    十大赌博娱乐平台考虑了上述(1)中所述的各种利益相关者的主要意见, 并分析主要利益相关者对SEKISUI化工集团业务和ESG/CSR参与的关系的期望.

Step 4. Identify key ESG issues

  • (1)
    Sort key ESG candidate issues
  • (2)
    Evaluate the importance of key ESG candidate issues
    十大赌博娱乐平台沿着两个轴对(1)中列出的关键ESG候选问题进行评估:A. Importance to stakeholders and B. 重视娱乐大发澳门赌博平台的管理,并确定关键的ESG问题.
    然后,十大赌博娱乐平台按优先级对已确定的关键ESG问题进行排序. A. 基于利益相关者期望的观点来评估对利益相关者的重要性, global trends, and positive and negative impact on the planet and society, and B. SEKISUI化工集团管理的重要性建立在符合管理方针和管理战略的观点之上, extent of compliance with ESG issues, risk and reputation, and priority considered on the time axis. Based on the Long-term Vision, Vision 2030, we evaluate A. Sekisui环境可持续性指数新应用对利益相关者的重要性*1和B. 使用SEKISUI可持续价差的附加方法对娱乐大发澳门赌博平台管理的重要性*2(考虑ROIC和资本成本).
  • (3)
    Identify key ESG issues
    关键的ESG议题在公司管理层会议上讨论, 实施项目和管理目标经主要部门审核后,内部最终批准. 通过PDCA循环对已批准的关键管理目标和实施项目进行适当的管理. As a rule, 将审查关键的环境、社会和服务问题,并在制定中期管理计划时每三年确定一次执行项目和管理目标, 虽然每年都会根据商业环境以及社会期望和要求进行修订.
  • 07-10

Key ESG issues (2020-2022)


Governance (Internal Control)

  • 减少严重事故(安全、质量、会计、法律/道德、信息管理)
  • Risk management (BCP)


  • Visualization and standardization (standardize operations, introduce ERP, renew infrastructure and network)
  • Increase productivity (automation / unmanned shifts, 通过使用数字技术提高运营效率, ICT and AI)
  • 复杂性(增加操作控制的复杂性), Governance (Internal Control) and the supply chain)


  • Adapt to and mitigate climate change
  • Promote a circular economy
  • Reduce water-related risks

Human Resources

  • 发展具有挑战性的企业文化和积极的员工参与(文化和人力资源开发), system design)


  • 为产品创造和拓展市场,提高可持续性
  • Promote open innovation

Issues where the importance for stakeholders is high,
and is also high for management of SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group

  • Strengthen intellectual property strategies
  • 通过与当地社区合作,促进有助于解决问题的活动
  • Implement human rights due diligence
  • Reduce environmental degradation
  • Promote globalization
  • Promote diversity management
  • Promote health management
  • Strengthen the equipment maintenance system
  • Reduce supply chain risk